CIID held a lecture on “Changes of the Distribution of Land Ownership in North China in the nineteen-thirties”
Published: 2017/7/20 11:14:00    Updated time: 2019/1/24 11:21:15
Abstract: On 19th July 2017, a lecture titled “Changes of the Distribution of Land Ownership in North China in 1930s” was held in room 401, in Beijing Normal University. CIID invited Sui Fumin, Senior Researcher at Institute of Economics at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to discuss about the land ownership distribution with educators and students.
Keywords: Income Distribution;lecture

 On 19th July 2017, a lecture titled “Changes of the Distribution of Land Ownership in North China in 1930s” was held in room 401, in Beijing Normal University. CIID invited Sui Fumin, Senior Researcher at Institute of Economics at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to discuss about the land ownership distribution with educators and students.

Sui Fumin obtained his Ph.D in History of Economics from Peking University. He is currently a senior researcher at Institute of Economics in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Vice Director at Research Center for History of Economics in Contemporary China. He also works as the head of secretary at China’s History of Economics Association and dedicated to research on Chinese modern rural economy. Based on the data from rural area in Wuxi and Baoding, Doctor Sui calculated and compared the value of Gini to discuss the changes in land ownership in eleven villages in Baoding from 1930 to 1946. The research shows that: Although there is a decrease in the Gini Coefficient from 1930 to 1946, there is still considerable inequality among the 11 villages in Baoding. The spreading of ownership implied with the decreasing Gini was mainly concentrated in the later period, which is from 1936 to1946. Doctor Sui reached to a similar conclusion when he considered the whole rural area in Baoding instead of considering only the 11 villages. In addition, changes of land ownership also showed certain differences among these villages.  

Doctor Sui provided detailed reply to questions from the audience and made consensus on further collaborative research with Wan Haiyuan, Vice Director of CIID.


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