中国收入分配研究院China Institute for Income Distribution
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Pulished Time: 2015/6/1 3:38:20    Updated Time: 2015/6/1 3:38:20
Name [2]Goos, M., A. Manning and A. Salomons, Explaining Job Polarization: Routine-Biased Technological Change and Offshoring. American Economic Review, 2014. 104(8): p. 2509-2526. [3]Kline, P. and E. Moretti, People, Places and Public Policy: Some Simple Welfare Economics of Local Economic Development Programs. 2013, NBER Working Paper. [4]Moretti, E. and D.J. Wilson, State Incentives for Innovation, Star Scientists and Jobs: Evidence from Biotech. 2013, NBER Working Paper. [5]Dahl, G.B. and L. Lochner, The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit. American Economic Review, 2012. 102(5): p. 1927-1956. [6]Gemici, A., Family migration and labor market outcomes. 2011, Department of Economics, New York University. [7]Moretti, E., Local Labor Markets, in Handbook of Labor Economics, Volume 4B, O. Ashenfelter and D. Card, O. Ashenfelter and D. Card^Editors. 2011, Elsevier: Amsterdam, the Netherlands. [8]Compton, J. and R.A. Pollak, Why Are Power Couples Increasingly Concentrated in Large Metropolitan Areas?. 2004, NBER Working Paper. [9]Bound, J. and H.J. Holzer, Demand Shifts, Population Adjustments, and Labor Market Outcomes during the 1980s. Journal of Labor Economics, 2000. 18(1): p. 20-54. [10]Costa, D.L. and M.E. Kahn, Power Couples: Changes in the locational choice of tghe college educated, 1940-1990. 1999, NBER Working Paper. [11]Blanchard, O.J., et al., Regional Evolutions. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1992(1): p. 1-75. [12]Mincer, J., Family Migration Decisions. 1977, NBER Working Paper. [13]Multidimensional Poverty Analysis: Alkire Foster Methodology [14]Multidimensional Poverty Analysis: Based on the example of Vietnam Poverty comparisons over time and across countries in africa (Input New Columes) (Input New Columes) (Input New Columes)
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